Immune System Check-Up

It seems that most all of 2020 has been “flu season”, but here we are approaching Fall, and we now must be ready for other strains of flu, and the onslaught of winter bugs.  So how about some love and care for our amazing immune system?

A few basics:

Because the immune system is a highly complex group of vessels, fluid, tissue and cells that are dispersed throughout the body, it was not even recognized as a body system until recent years.  Despite the onslaught of pathogens that enter through our lungs, GI tract, and skin, the immune system manages to maintain homeostasis through “non-specific” and “specific” resistance.  Our skin, mucous, and hydrochloric acid in gastric juices are the first line of defense, blocking and killing much of what tries to enter the bloodstream.  But some bad bacteria and viruses do survive these barriers.  Our gut biome contains trillions of good bacteria that fight off the bad bacteria throughout the gut and intestinal tract. (The value of a diverse and healthy gut biome cannot be understated, because this affects many aspects of our health.)  Invaders that survive the gut bacteria are met by cell mediated response which target either general non-human pathogens or specific antigens such as toxins and bacteria. All of this is accomplished by cells made in our red bone marrow and by the lymphatic system which is dispersed throughout our body.

So how do we ensure that our immune systems are strong, armed and ready for battle?

·      Eliminate Toxins – An overworked immune system will soon be overwhelmed and inefficient. Eliminate toxins such as pesticides, artificial colors, flavorings, and preservatives in processed and conventionally grown foods. Don’t smoke and keep alcohol to a minimum. Household and personal care products may contain parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, BPA and an endless list of toxic additives. Get them out of your life.  There are plenty of natural products that don’t contain these toxins.

·      Sufficient Nutrients – Every organ, cell, enzyme and hormone in our bodies require a specific combination of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C plays a huge part in our immune system, as do zinc, selenium, iron, copper and Vitamin A.

·      Healthy Gut Biome – The gut biome itself attacks and eliminates much of what enters our system but also determines how we digest and absorb the nutrients that are essential to a healthy immune system. Get this house in order!

·      Sleep – Studies show that cytokines and immune response cell release is associated with our circadian rhythm. It is important to sleep at least eight hours, in a regular pattern each night.

·      Exercise – Exercise is absolutely essential to good health.  Consistent cardio and resistance activities improve our circulatory system, help to maintain a healthy weight (obesity increases inflammation and decreases cell mediated response) and are invaluable in stress reduction. 

·      Stress Management – Both major life events and the daily stress of busy schedules, job pressures, relationships and even social media push our bodies into a “fight or flight” response.  This activates a cortisol release, which in turn begins a cascade of hormones designed to do things like slow our digestion and increase blood glucose. Continued high levels of cortisol suppress our immune system over time.

Again, this is the short version of the many things we can do to support our immune system. And to be honest, the threat of COVID-19 is a relatively small reason to take action. This innate system will be around fighting off invaders long after we have a vaccine for the corona virus.  But only with proper support!

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